Friday, July 27, 2012

Presentation # 3 (Plus, Video # 2)

Hey everybody, back again. We just wrapped up presentation #3 today, which went off with manageable hitches. There were a couple technical difficulties but they were able to be fixed on the fly luckily. Jorel has added bluetooth capabilities to the PILED board, and demonstrated its nifty serial console features. This also demonstrated how the relatively low amount of memory is not really a problem. This board has quite the large amount of code on it. More than you would expect in a lot of projects. But the msp430 can certainly handle it, even large arrays of data (see the rcos easter egg when we have the video). Just goes to show you that 16kb is quite a bit in microcontroller land.

Next, Energia is pretty cool. The code controlling the PILED board was written in it , and all around it has some slick features. There are still some kinks to be worked out, but wow, if you have windows Energia has quite the edge over CCS I believe (CCS code is valid code in Energia, but you also get the additional Arduino-esque code, a nice bonus). If it keeps shaping up like it has been, Energia will make the msp430 quite formidable as an open-source microcontroller solution.

Following the wall of text, we have the slides from presentation #3, and the video from presentation #2.
Thanks for watching, I hope you learn a little something. And now:

Presentation #3:

Video #2:

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