Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bug in the System

Well, that was fun, for the most part. We've been making steady progress on our project, and we just had our second presentation. This one was interesting to say the least. First, I decided that it was a good idea to connect to RPI's internet for the first time 20 minutes before our presentation. Big mistake. We had to borrow a colleague's computer, which meant that my demos were unusable. While Jorel's PILED prototype is functioning perfectly, the makeshift power supply (there is no official one, as of yet) decided to take the day off and malfunction, and all he could do is show people what they looked like and what the features are. In true Friday the 13th we brought it home and the power supply has worked flawlessly ever since, perhaps some cosmic force is conspiring against us (wouldn't be the first time).

Other that that the presentation was very good. Jorel lectured on the topic of the sRGB color space, and how he implemented it in the code for the PILED board (a very interesting topic. When it comes to lighting, making a light that looks and feels 'right' while not being resource-heavy is extremely difficult). I also had a bit at the end discussing Energia, a port of the Arduino IDE for the msp430, a truly great step for hobbyists everywhere.

We've signed up for another presentation in 2 weeks. We will work out all the kinks so we can do a great presentation and make RCOS proud.

Finally, Jorel's brewing up a whole bunch of great things in relation to the PILED Development System, an msp430-based development board with a focus on driving RGB LEDs and being a fun, simple multimedia programming medium. The way this device is coming together is nothing short of breathtaking, so have a look, you won't be disappointed. As always, thank you for the support.

Slides after the text, youtube video will follow as soon as it's available.

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