A while back some people wrote code for the older launchpad chip to make it output music to an external speaker. We got it working just fine, but there's no guarantee that it works on the newer g2553 model that all currently shipped launchpads have. So that is definitely the first step in getting this to work. I really like this program. If the code is readable, it would make a great little music editor you could play with. But, back to the problem at hand.
Getting the doorbell behavior is basically what interrupts were made for. You can put the Launchpad into the deepest sleep imaginable, and get all the functionality you would need: a simple button press.
We'll get details up later, but this shaped up to be a really cool, but surprisingly simple bit of launchpadmanship to tackle a practical problem. Also, our doorbell is a song from Super Mario, how cool is that? See everybody at RCOS, I can't believe this is the penultimate meeting already.